
  • Brian Pinchbeck
  • 21.01.2025

General Science

Bill Nye the Science Guy
Great site if you are thinking of doing a science project

My Reference Desk – Science
Dozens of science sites to visit…a real gold mine

Eric’s Treasure Trove of Scientific Biography
Want information on any scientist?

BrainPOP (Science)
Great science site for elementary school students

Science Homework Helper
Great information on any science subject from Fact Monster

Science News for Kids
A wonderful science site for young children…all kinds of neat information


Gray’s Anatomy
One of the best anatomy sites on the web

Neuroscience for Kids
A wonderful site to learn about the brain


N.Y. Regents Exam Prep for Biology
Brings back pleasant memories for dad

All Living Things
A fascinating database of all things living…Well worth the visit

DNA From the Beginning
A cool animated primer and history of DNA

Introduction to Evolutionary Biology
Great information on the theory of evolution

Frank Potter’s Science Gems – Life Science I

Frank Potter’s Science Gems – Life Science II

Botany (Plants)

Glossary of Botanical Terms

Aquatic Plant Glossary
Nice site from the University of Florida

Plants Database
Powerful database from the Dept. of Agriculture

A Modern Herbal
A great book on herbs published in 1931

What Tree is it?
Identify trees by leafs, fruit and common names


Erik’s Chemistry
Wow…Everything you ever wanted to know about chemistry

The Catalyst
Everything from lesson plans to experiments…very nice chemistry site

Eric’s Treasure Trove of Chemistry
We’re convinced that Eric doesn’t get any sleep

Periodic Table
Nice place to find information on all of the elements

Chemicool Periodic Table
Very nice looking periodic table

Tutorial on Balancing Equations
Makes it more fun to balance chemical equations

Chemical Equations Balancer
This site balances chemical equations for you


All About Dinosaurs
A fascinating and informative site on dinosaurs…great for young children

Web Geological Time Machine
Wonderful geology site…it’s fun to travel in time

Earth Science

Frank Potter’s Science Gems – Earth Science I

Frank Potter’s Science Gems – Earth Science II

Frank Potter’s Science Gems – Physical Science I

Frank Potter’s Science Gems – Physical Science II

Frank Potter’s Science Gems – Physical Science III

Volcano World
Exciting site to visit

Volcanoes by Robert Tilling
Excellent review of volcanoes

USGS Facts Sheet by State
Great Geology Information from the US Geological Society

Ocean Planet
A terrific oceanography site by the Smithsonian…must see

Tide Predictions
An excellent source for tide data

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Great site about the Chesapeake Bay

Entomology (Insects)

University of Florida’s Book of Insect Records
Interesting insect site

Images of Insects
Do you need pictures of insects for a science project or paper?

Featured Creatures
Common and Scientific names for bugs in Florida…cool site!

Climate Change

Global Warming (Wikipedia)
Good information on global warming

Photographic Documentation of Climate Change
Not necessarily convincing…but it’s interesting

Global Warming Research – Presented by Science Daily
Solid information on global warming

GlobalWarming – Early Warning Signs
Signs of weather changes around the world

GlobalWarming – The New York Times
Good information as you would expect from the New York Times


GRRRREAT site for finding medical and pharmacy terms plus explanation of diseases

Lots and lots of great information on diseases…great medical site

Meteorology (Weather)

Our favorite weather site…wonderful images

National Hurricane Center
No sensational headlines, just the facts. Now that I live in Miami I use this website ALL the time during the Hurricane Season.


Eric’s Treasure Trove of Physics
Eric’s at it again…nice site

Physics Laws
by Erik Max Francis. A really great complete set of Physics Laws all in one place.

Science Fair Projects

Science Fair Project Resources
Another great resource for science projects

Loads of science information and links

Space Science

If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel – A tediously accurate map of the solar system
This site beautifully illustrates the vastness of our solar system and the space between the planets and moon.

The Hayden Planetarium Resources Page
A great collection of resources for all things space including news and the really neat Astrophysics Visualization Archive. Oh, also, the Planetarium is run by Neil deGrasse Tyson, one of my favorite scientists alive.

Eric’s Treasure Trove of Astronomy and Planetary Science

Views of the Solar System
Lots of great information on our solar system

Spacelink Library Search
An exciting way to search for information on Astronomy

From Stargazers to Starships
A fascinating site on astronomy, physics and math

Zoology (Animals)

Animal Pictures Archive
More than 17,000 animal pictures on file…fun!

Animals of the Rainforest
Beautiful pictures and descriptions of animals from the rainforest

Natural History Notebooks
Need information on a bunch of animals, living or dead?…this is the site

A whole bunch of information on all kinds of amphibians

Desert Animals and Wildlife
Nice descriptions and pictures of desert wildlife